
Daniel 3:1-30 and 6:1-28
Daniel 3:1-30; and 6:1-28 - Loyalty, Fire, and Lions
  1. Daniel, Mishael, Azariah, and Hananiah worked in the government for the good of the people. In what ways are you working for the flourishing of humanity? For the shalom of all creation?
  2. Daniel, Mishael, Azariah, and Hananiah were targeted for failure to worship other gods or idols. Where in your life, do you feel you - you specifically, not a general idea - where  you are being asked to worship another god?
  3. God gives grace even to non-Christians - we see that in how God treats the kings in these stories, as well as their people. How have you witnessed God's grace extending to non-Christians that you have met?
  4. Non-Christians can even act and speak in ways that blesses us with grace from God. Can you share a time when you felt God's grace visit you through a non-Christian source?
  5. Off the Wall: The Sunday school depictions of these stories look like our four heroes are the good people, and the other people are the bad people. However, after these stories our four heroes have to continue to work and live in the government! This can't be a hostile and toxic relationship or they will be ineffective. How would you depict shared humanity in the midst of these stories? Facial expression? Body language?