
Daniel 2:1-49
This week's Sermon Questions for Small Groups
Daniel 2
  1. Nebuchadnezzar knew the advisors would tell him what he wanted to hear, and so he didn't trust them. Where have you been in a position where you knew that there was a charade being played? Have you ever found yourself partnered in a game like this, of cooperative delusion? How does it stop?
  2. What sustains you in your desire to be faithful to Jesus even while culture and the concerns of your day to day seem to press and pull you away from being faithful? Is there a vision or an idea or a truth that you hold to, what keeps you motivated to continue? Perhaps - you don't know, then think - what might it be for others? What keeps so and so continuing to be faithful to Jesus?
  3. The vision of Nebuchadnezzar shows the fragility and temporariness of even the strongest systems. How does this truth give you despair - perhaps, that something really good can't last …? Perhaps - the despair is merely attachment to an idol. How does this truth give you comfort right now?
  4. The king flew into a rage, and vowed to kill all his magicians, counselors, and advisors. Have you ever felt this way? Woke up on the wrong side of bed, and someone else is going to pay? What are some steps you can take, an action, that would lessen or restrict or stop you from moving that way?
  5. Off the Wall: Draw the statue. Pay attention to the different materials. Now, draw the stone. Where will you place it in the image?