January 16 - Ephesians 3:14-21    

  1. What does God's power look like when it enters someone's life? How does God's power work within someone? In the inner being.

  2. How can we grow in our knowledge of the breadth, length, height and depth of the love of Christ? What opportunities do you have to share your experience of God's love with others?

  3. Do you feel like you are ready for more of God's fullness? What might be holding you from receiving it? Are you open to know more about his love to expand your capacity?

  4. What have you learned about his Love recently? What can you share of your learning of his love, with someone else?

  5. Off the Wall: What metaphor or image do you have for the power of God at work within you? What does his awesome power at work in the inner being of men and women, look like?