Exodus 3:1-15

1.Has God interrupted your life in the past? What story can you share of God interrupting your life, drawing your attention away from what you were doing.


2.What does it mean for you, to receive calling and purpose from God? How do you follow him?


3.What do you fear losing? What do you worry might not be recovered?


4.Remove the sandals from your feet. Is there a symbol of your authority? Is there some form in which you command, in which you have power? How might you submit that authority to God? Do you need to lay your authority at God's feet?


5.Off the Wall: Wilderness, and meeting God are not "safe" places, but places where in God's presence, there is goodness. Is there a metaphor, and image that you find communicates this? Unsafe, but good? C.S.Lewis chose the Lion, Aslan to reveal this. How else might we show this or express it?