
John 4:1-30



  1. People desire intimate relationships with each other, and with God. What helps you to have an intimate relationship with someone? What do you need present in terms of trust, for intimacy to be possible?
  2. How do you sometimes sabotage intimacy in relationships? With people? With God?
  3. Is there a relationship in your life right now that you could move towards greater trust and intimacy? What would God be asking of you to move that way?
  4. How might God be inviting you into further intimacy with him? How would he like to meet you and connect with you right now?
  5. Off the Wall: There are many different depictions of this meeting at the well. You can even do a google image search for Jesus and the woman at the well, and see many different variations of what this could look like. Which ones seem "right" to you? Which ones make you uncomfortable, and why?