
Luke 6:6-11
  1. God has come to call not the righteous, but the sinners to repentance and to follow him. How have you seen God call the sinners in your experience of church?
  2. Jesus expressed his hospitality with people who the established religious community did not approve of. How have you experienced this? Have you been someone who has felt excluded from the general church hospitality? Or, have you perhaps helped to exclude someone from general church hospitality?
  3. Jesus talks about new wine needing new wineskins. Why is this painful to people who have been Christians for some time? Why does it cause anxiety, frustration, even anger in people who are in established roles of authority in the church?
  4. Jesus defies men and women who seek to use their positions of authority to reinforce their own agenda or identity. How is Jesus calling you to question your own use of authority? How is he asking you to see how you perhaps are using your authority too inappropriately - not in service to help others flourish but in ways that are meant to make you feel good?
  5. Off the Wall: Is there a book or story for you that captures this idea of the status quo protectors, faced with new truth and new innovation, and instead of celebrating it, they fight it?