
Matthew 3:13-4-11
  1. What sense do you have that God calls you a beloved child? How have you experienced this and know it to be true?
  2. We can develop tunnel vision in one aspect of our lives that is negative. Where in your life right now is it really easy to focus on the negative? Not just to acknowledge the presence of something not good, but to focus on it?
  3. Is this calling into question your sense of belonging to God? How so?
  4. What does connecting to scripture with obedience look like for you right now, in contrast to trying to make things happen in regards to the area of your life in question?
  5. Off the Wall: Think of how you would draw Satan. Is there a particular aspect of the image that stands out to you? Why do you think that feature was introduced - either by culture over the years or by yourself? What is that feature communicating?