
Matthew 2:1-12 NRSV

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12        

1. Sometimes people outside the faith point us towards Jesus, like the Magi were outside the Jewish faith and pointed toward the Messiah. How have you seen this happen in your own life?

2. In what manner may you be called to welcome foreigners or strangers this Christmas season?    

3. How are you keeping a balance with the world systems in a manner that is a compromise to the Christian vision of the kingdom of God in terms of justice, creation care, respect for human dignity and love of neighbour?    

4. What does gold, the symbol of wealth, represent in your life? What does frankincense, the symbol of belief, convictions represent in your life? What does myrrh, the symbol of death represent in your life?   

5. How might you be called to offer these at this time in your life?