John 4:4-29



  1. The Samaritan woman sabotages her engagement with Jesus, avoiding intimacy as long as she is able, trying to keep the truth of Jesus at arms distance. Where in your life, might you be trying to keep the truth of Jesus at bay?


  1. Worship in Spirit and Truth, not on this mountain, nor on any mountain - but in all moments of your life. How have you set up a mountain in your life? What hills to die on, have you built up and fortressed? Where might the Spirit be identifying a mountain you have attached yourself to?


  1. How might the Spirit want you to unmask that mountain in your life? In what way would he like you to expose and reveal that mountain for what it is - a substitute for intimacy with Jesus?


  1. What gracious gift does Jesus want to give you? Telling you everything you ever did without condemnation - what gift like that is Jesus inviting you into, by exposing this mountain?


  1. Off the wall: What metaphor or image comes to mind when you think of worshipping in Spirit and Truth? Does reflecting on "no more mountains" change that image or impact it in any way? What alternative metaphors could describe worship done in Spirit and Truth?